Wednesday, 26 May 2010

The End of an Era...

Today... May 26th 2010.. i had my last counselling session...

It is a very bittersweet day. I have grown so close to Sue, my couseller and i will miss her and talking to her so, so much.

And yet.. i am so excited for the way my life is going and the places it is heading! I have come out of my counselling every week looking at the world and me in a completly different light and way. A better way. I am happy, stronger.. and the fact that my sessions have come to an end is proof that its not just me who thinks this.

I feel so alive.

The world is my oyster...

Monday, 24 May 2010

Summertime and the living is easy...

It has been so long since i last wrote on here, but here i am again..

Buuuuutttt... i'm in such a better place!! :D
I have found a inner peace i never knew i even had within me. It hasn't been easy and i have lots of help, particularly from my mum and a wonderful woman named Sue. She taught me to see the world and me in a completly different light.
Its been over a year but i feel wonderful.

Today, i spent the day reading in the garden, in the glorious sunshine and then this afternoon i practised some hula-hooping!! I am ever inspired by EA and her Crumpets, but Maggie is definately a fave!! :D

I feel free from so much of the trials i have had to face. I like who am i.. Woah.. yes i truly do... :D That is a big thing on its own but the wonderous things its bringing are even better. I'm eating right, enjoying life, my scars are fading..

I have learnt that not everyone will like me, someone notice i'm alive and its ok. Other peoples opinions of me have no value. The only opinion that matters is mine.
The way i feel belongs to me. No has the power to make me feel anyway. That power lies within me and only me.

Life is good.. no great!!

I know i still have bad days but they quickly seem to right themselves.

I am a happy little camper, a faery, a lunatic... my life is wonderful, filled with love and happiness..

Blessed be to you all,
Peace and Love